

Friday, October 18, 2013

Finals Crunch!

I only have two more weeks of class, a one week cram session and then there is two weeks of finals. My last final is the Monday of the second week so I will be on summer vacation a whole week earlier than other students! Yay! So there is a good chance my blog will go silent till then if I am being a good student, which I should because I have never felt so behind in the material and so unprepared for these final exams.... I have NEVER felt this low about my academics and I pray I do not have to sit any supplemental exams or worse fail my first year of vet school!! (At least they will give me one chance to retake the course before they fully kick me out)...I know I have it in me to succeed, it just feels beyond unattainable at the moment! :( I need all of your prayers to get me through the next few weeks! 

And I am not sure if I mentioned this in my rectal palpations post, but my instructor went to Uni at UW-River falls, grew up in New Richmond, and then want to vet school at the Uof MN!! It is a crazy small world!!! His wife is from Zimbabwe and they moved to South Africa for a few years but he didn't like the crime and so applied for jobs in New Zealand and all over AU and he ended up in Perth @ murdoch!!! We were both blown away to meet each other! We chatted about the packers and how awful snow is when there are places like Australia that you could live in!! :) I mean, enjoy the fall weather everyone!!!! ;) but seriously! I tell everyone that I wouldn't trade my childhood with snow EVER! I loved sledding and it really is beautiful but I have lived it, enjoyed it and now I am just over it and rather be warm for a few years :) and I do get really sad for people who have NEVER experienced snow! 

It's getting crazy hot very fast here and it's not even November! Apparently I am goin to DIE in December and January!! 

OH and as of now my end of November and December work schedule looks like I work Friday nights (530-830), 8hour shifts Saturday and Sunday (8am-4pm or 4pm-midnight), and then Monday nights! So that gives Brian and I Tuesdays-Thursdays to explore this wonderful country (as long a he can coordinate it with his manager) :) we will explore close to us and then we would like to drive as far as we can in any direction on Tuesdays explore where we end up on Wednesday and drive home on Thursdays! The key will be find as many free adventures as possible!! :) 

and we still dog walk every Wednesday-Friday! Nomsa is THE cutest cocker spaniel ever! I hope we can continue to walk her for as long as we are here because we take her in the car to new places and just explore for an hour! It's amazing! :) 

Well this is my goodbye for a few weeks!! Unless I get really antsy and just need a distraction! I hope you don't miss me to much!! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I stuck my hand in where??

Yes, yes I did stick my arm up a cows bum today. :D

AND I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT IT!!!! Nothing can prepare you for this....each and every new cow is a whole new experience... and not until I log 10,000hours with cattle bums will the excitement start to wear off! 

We had the whole afternoon to learn how to rectally palpate cows and practice our pregnancy testing skills. Due to murdoch policy and ethical reasons, I am not allowed to show any photos with animals in the crushes nor am I allowed to show my arm in the bums; however, I can show you a photo of my face while performing this task! and I can show you the aftermath photos!

When your instructor is describing how to release trapped air from the rectum in order to proceede with palpation and the words, "Well, lets just be honest.... its gonna be a wet fart...AND it will indeed get all down the front of your overalls" ......come out of his mouth, you know your in for a GREAT time with cattle! 

Feeling dirty in true Vet school fashion with my bestie:

And here is a photo from the first time french braiding my hair one day before school, before I admitted I was sick and had a sinus infection! It is all cleared up now! :)

Othe updates: I am loving having a car, but I still take the bus to school when I can :)
I am loving my job as a receptionist at the emergency vet clinic...still have so much to learn, but I did get to reunite two stray dogs with each of their owners!!! It was all thanks to microchips!!
Brian Is really enjoying his job at Bunnings. He got moved to the paint department few a little while now and he gets to go to one of the paint companies that sell their product at his store for a training day to learn more about paint and specialties things! Its pretty neat! 
Apartment is working out nicely but subleasing term comes to an end at the end of October and when the landlords get back from vacation we have to talk about extending the lease or not. 

MOMMY AND AUNTI JODI - enjoy your vacation together!! I am sooo happy you two can finally just get away and do what best friends do! I love you both sooo much <3

Friday, October 11, 2013

Last of the Zoo Photos

Here are the last slideshows of photos from the zoo. If you would like to see them all in one album and not in a slideshow they are finally posted to my facebook page. If we are not facebook friends and you would like to add me but cannot find me, shoot me an email at KitKat2017@outlook.com

Here are a few cool photos that Google+ created - they were a bunch of still photos and Google+ put them into a moveable photo (Sorry if they are not moving for you):

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Zoo videos and Change of Privacy settings

So apparently I am having some blogging issues, however I have changed yesterday's post and the video privacy settings should be better now. Please LET ME KNOW IF IT WORKS  NOW - They work for me, but I created them so I need input people!!!!! If you for some reason you are having issues posting on my blog you can email me at: KitKat2017@outlook.com or you can try to find me on facebook :)

So here is my attempt at taking some actual videos at the zoo:


I hope you enjoyed! and again PLEASE COMMENT IF IT IS WORKING OR NOT!!! pretty pretty please with a cherry on top!! :D

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Season Confusion & hopefully more Zoo photos

I am having serious issues with realising that it is actually October. Maybe if I was putting on sweaters and snuggling up to fires I might realise it is approaching the end of the year; however, it is slowly getting hotter and SPRING has arrived.... HOW WEIRD?!?! I am not sure I can handle it :P Summer in December-February is just going to plain confuse me! :) My body and mind will adjust eventually. NO I DO NOT MISS SNOW OR THE COLD, I am just having season confusion! :)

So I only had feedback from one person about my zoo photos not working (not loading all the way).... thanks for the input people! :P So I decided to try and make youtube slideshows of my photos and I will post the links for you. PLEASE TELL ME IF THESE WORK IN THE COMMENTS SECTION OF MY BLOG!! Thank you!



those should be the first 200 photos So if the last post work for you than these photos are just a repeat of those. Please let me know if they worked, if they didn't I may have to change the privacy settings!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Study Break Adventures

Hey everyone!

So I am on study break... what does that mean:
Teaching periods run in four week blocks and then you get a week off to catch up on your studies before the next 4 week teaching period.
Teaching 4 weeks, Break for one
Teach for 4, Break for one
Teach for 4, final study break before two weeks of finals!

To start my study break I worked reception over the Australian holiday weekend on saturday from 12-8pm. It was pretty slow on account of the Australian Footy Championship game. The Fremantle Dockers were playing and the game was held here in Freo where we now live... It was a really cool experience. Also my best friend decided to be a foster mommy to a cute less than two week old kitten that was surrendered to our work place AND I get the joy of kitty sitting Squirt! We have both pretty much fallen in love despite the 1-2hour bottle feeding!

Next on my study break list is to study study study! Not so much fun... so I decided to take a break from STUDY break and go to the Zoo! 

There are photos from my ipad and my digital camera so there is a LOT and since there is like 700 photos from two places they are not in order between the ipad and camera because I simply do not have the time to reorganise them. 

OK! So all I could get for you right now is a link to a slideshow presentation of 500 of the zoo photos. The last 200 will be uploaded hopefully tomorrow! I hope you enjoyed! I also have a few videos I want to upload but it may take awhile!  If it does not work PLEASE LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS SECTION: 

Perth Slideshow 1