

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Getting Started

Hello family, friends, and animal lovers everywhere!

This is my first blog ever and just a warning: updating is going to be slow to start! A little background about me: I am from Wisconsin, USA born and raised. I went to UW-Eau Claire to start my undergraduate career as a Biology Major with a pre-vet emphasis. Not knowing what I would do with biology if I didn't get accepted to Vet school, I decided to transfer to UW - River Falls in order to obtain my Bachelors in Animal Science - Vet tech emphasis. After completing most of my bachelors and all of the pre-reqs for Vet school I decided to apply to Murdoch University in Perth, Australia on a whim (I will explain application process in another post). My plan was to send that application out, take the GRE, and start applying to US and European schools for the 2012 application cycle just to see how it all worked before getting my bachelors (because if I was missing something I still had time to fix it during my undergrad without graduating, applying, and then realizing you missed something and have to pay Graduate level fees to fix it). However, to my surprise I was offered admission to Murdoch without a bachelors and I ACCEPTED! In 5 years I will be a veterinarian! WHAT A DREAM COME TRUE!

I have started this blog in order for my family to keep up with what I am doing abroad because I just won't have the time to email everyone individually, in order to help others who are considering going abroad for vet school, and for anyone else who cares to read about the whim's of a soon-to-be sleep-deprived American vet student in Australia!