

Thursday, April 25, 2013


WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY: THE BEST SHOW EVER IS STILL ON TV IN AUSTRALIA!! Probably the best discovery of the day!! :D

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Animals are SO are my thing! :D ***I LOVE VET SCHOOL***

Now that my anatomy practical is done and over worth and I just have to wait for my grade I can tell you how amazing of a week this has been.

  • I bought my first pair of Veterinary Overalls
  • I feel OK about anatomy practical
  • Brian took me to Jus Burgers for dinner in Fremantle (Freo). We split a kangaroo burger and the most AMAZING tastebud exploding thing I have ever experienced = Pumpkin burger with goat cheese!! I am determined to figure out exactly how they made it because I still can't get over it and we ate it DAYS ago!! Okay only two days ago, but it was utterly fantastic!!
  • Wednesday started as a normal day and thanks to my teacher going on a LONG tangent I decided to check my facebook which led me to a post about a dog walker position. This led Brian and I on a whirlwind trip to a new part of perth called como. It is right on the swan river but still south of the main city center and Northeast of Murdoch. It was absolutely breathtaking and after the most awesome interview for a dog walking position ever - BRIAN GOT THE JOB!! :D Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings! Two Australian references should get the ball rolling! After our interview we decided to not go back to the bus stop and instead headed towards the Swan River which was two blocks away. We walked along one of the best paved bike/running trail yet! When it is said that Perth is one of the most active cities, they were not joking! SOO many bikers! I can't wait to get a REALLY nice bicycle. I don't know if I am as brave as my mom to get one with shoes that clip in! Back to our walk: I stuck my feet in at the waters edge and then after a bit of watching the sunset we walked all the way to the train station and I GOT TO RIDE THE TRAIN back to murdoch station and then Brian and I walked home from there which is a good few big blocks and all the way across the longest part of campus because it was after work and end of school hours and the buses are ABSOLUTELY crowded during "rush hour" times. It is really an amazing site - how many people ride public transport here! 
  • Today we got up early and went on an adventure! We double checked our bus route to the dog walking house and realized the 2nd bus we wanted to take only travels once an hour and we only had one chance to catch the first bus in order to catch the second or we and the doggie that had to be walked would have to wait another hour till we could get there. Everything timed out perfect. Caught 1st bus with 5 mins to spare and was able to transfer buses with 1 minute to spare! and then the most awesome dog walking hour began! We walked to the swan river where this little doggie was literally infatuated with water! As I splashed on the river bank with her she tried to catch the water droplets so we kept kicking water in the air for her to flip and catch. Then walk a little further and do it all over again! We just had to be careful of the crazy huge jelly fish all pushed near the shoreline!! Not nearly as many as the clear guys we have seen before in Freo, but WAY bigger. Anyway, this little doggie had Brian and I laughing non-stop for an hour. She was beyond adorable! Animals are so our thing! It was one of the best mornings we have had! We got her home and all dried off before heading home and she gave me a kiss goodbye :D. We just missed the bus and had to wait 30mins for the next one back to the transfer station. So we sat on a little bench and ate mandarin oranges! HOLY CRAP WISCONSIN YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE MISSING!! oranges bought in WI grocery stores do NOT taste nearly as good as the oranges here. In WI they taste watered down (best way I can think of to describe it) but not here! NOPE NOPE NOPE! soo sweet! 
    • Also the houses in this neighborhood by the Swan River were absolutely stunning!! :D I forgot to take any house photos, but I did manage to get a few flower photos! I've never seen so many roses thrive before!! This is such a gorgeous city! I am still continually baffled by the beauty of this place and am soooo grateful for everyone who helped me achieve this dream! 
  • After we got home I showered, Brian made me lunch, and it was off to physio lab! This is where I GOT TO WHERE MY OVERALLS FOR THE FIRST TIME! I really missed my cow boots tho! :( sadly they are still in WI. I went down to the barn where we listened to respiratory sounds on horses and on goats! Horses breath so slowly so it was very interesting finding their lung field! and OH BOY DO I LOVE GOATS!! After getting headbutted and rubbed against in the hopes of falling over, respiratory sounds were heard! Mission accomplished. I did spend a little extra time petting each horse and goat! WHAT A GREAT DAY TODAY WAS!! :D 
I am not sure what else is in store besides studying this next week which is a study break week (THANKFULLY)! I have two group projects to work on and exams coming up in a week, but if I do anything fun I will be sure to let you all know! :D

  Part of city center and one of the million round-abouts! Gorgeous views EVERYWHERE
 There is the swan river! just down the other road at same round-about!
 crazy cool bridges over one of the main highways that go into the city center and across the river! The bridges are designed so bikes can ride up and cross safely! Its pretty sweet!
 View of river and the hotels on the ocean front! If you look at Google Maps of Perth, it is really hard to get a sense of how HUGE this river is - it is really quite breathtaking and I still haven't fully grasped the massiveness of it. After being here it is obvious how this waterway is the lifeline of the city and its origins!
 City Center directly behind the roadway! Trees are trying to block the buildings.
 Crossing the bridge. This is the swan river with the ocean beyond
 heading south to train station on awesome bike path along the river (Ocean to the right/West)
 PELICAN RIGHT NEXT TO THE PATH!! Moments like this is when I wish I would bring my iPad with me everywhere because of its PHENOMENAL camera! Also two little black birds sitting next to pelican! haha

 Bike path again!
 TODAY'S JELLIES!! This guy was bigger than my HEAD

 little guy! No idea if they are poisonous or how bad they sting! AHH haha

 Hot pink rose!
 Photo does NOT due this justice! It was gorgeous orange and pink!
 This photo does a little better job! But roses here are BREATHTAKING!
 giving KISSES!! :D
 Hot pink! Memories of my Sweetheart weekend flowers! :D <3
 size comparison! They are GIANT flowers! (Brian's hand)
classmates & I playing with the goats!! <3

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Well that was the MOST fun I've EVER had with my clothes on!!!!


My first anatomy practical exam is all over with!! I at least am pretty confident that I passed this one! :) and I know no one has ever said an exam is "fun" but when your whole class plays musical chairs every two mins (moving from station to station in an orderly fashion) with such a high stress level - it could seem comical to the observer. As an after thought - music would have made the whole situation a lot more fun. :D I am the odd ball that rather enjoys practical type exams like this; however, this is not to say I enjoy all the questions or the professors sense of humor on a few :D Im just happy with a pass!!

I think I am still just excited about my overalls!! :D Still hard to grasp that I am going to be a veterinarian if I can persevere through the next 5 years!!

You know your in Vet School when....

.... you are totally distracted and excited about purchasing your very first pair of vet overalls! :) even though you have an anatomy practical in an hour and a half! :D

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Did we really just get a ride from a Storm Trooper??

So Brian and I heard about a really good deal on TV's at JB hi-fi. We found a store within a 40 min walk so we said HEY no big deal we will go check it out. We get all the way there to realize there was two TVs on sale a 23" for $199 with a built in DVD player or a 32" for $199 with a USB port so we can watch our shows from my portable harddrive through the TV. We originally went to check out the smaller TV but the bigger one was a non-advertised sale. Also if we got the smaller TV all of our US DVDs couldn't work. We would still have to get a region free dvd player in the future. SO we got a HUGE AMAZING quality TV for SUPER SUPER CHEAP!!! You couldn't even find this good of deal on gumtree (like US craigslist). ALSO fun fact: Australia still uses BUNNY EAR ANTENNAS!! :) they are just getting ready to switch over to digital TV! how awesome!!! Anyway back to story. SO we got this HUGE TV and a 40min walk home.. WE prepared for the hike and we took turns carrying the backpack that was full of water bottles and we each carried a handle of the TV box. We got about half way home and stopped for some water when an Antenna specialist van pulls into the driveway in front of us and says he will give us a ride home! We were very skeptical but he was a genuinely good person. On Bruce's dashboard was a bobble-head storm trooper and we told him it was awesome. His reply was "I am an official storm trooper". We giggled and he said no I have a costume and everything and do events.. We kind of looked at him funny and he continued to explain how it was for charity! :) So this Storm trooper took us all the way back to the uni village and at the end of our journey he supplied us with a better antenna lead and a couple different attachments if ever want to use the same cable for when they switch to digital. He purely gave us a ride and supplied us with a $20 cable as a kind act. I would have NEVER seen this kindness and generosity in most parts of the states. Bruce wouldn't take any money even if we had much to offer and it was one of the funniest encounters I've ever experienced in my life. 

The rest of the night all Brian and I could do was look at each other and say: "did we really just get a ride from a Storm Trooper?" I hope to keep the good karma going and can't wait for the opportunity to help someone else in need! :)

What a great saturday experience after not feeling well and a horrible exam experience. Brian and I have had a cleaning sunday instead of going on the Swan Valley Tour (a tour of the river and drinks and food at every stop along the river and entertainment) because we sold our tickets before I felt better. My pre-lab quiz for biochemistry is done and now its on to biochem learning objectives (given to us before each lecture of concepts we need to know for exam) for the rest of the night until FaceTime with the family at 9pm! My grandparents are in my parents hometown for the weekend and I can't wait to see their faces! :) 

Thanks for all the comments and support regarding my exam. I will keep my head up! :)
I've never had a TV so big!!! :) And of course we are watching "Sunny in Philadelphia"
Just for you rossi: "I hear the dennis-system has worked for you"!!! :D 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Worst fears coming to light

Sorry I have been so quiet but I have been on Anatomy lockdown for 2 solid weeks; however, yesterday my worst fear came true. My first anatomy exam was yesterday and I think I may have failed it. It doesn't mean I failed the class yet, but I'm panicked for what the rest of the semester will bring. I don't know what I can do to make my studying more effective at this moment, because it has never let me down before, but I know I will figure it out. I can't wait for the day we get our results... it may be awhile it was a completely written exam.

So now I am off to enjoy my saturday afternoon before getting back to the grind tonight!

Oh I must make a note that this was my worst start to a test as well. I have been pretty ill for the last 3 days so that did not help, I got to the test room 5 mins early like usually, but everyone was already there and about to start 5 MINS EARLY!! I ran up front got my exam, went all the way back to the top of the lecture theater to the one seat I saw right away, only to realize that the table part was broken off the chair and I had to use a nearby stool to write my exam on! YAY for the worst exam experience of my life!!!

No matter what I will survive! On a GREAT note: Brian and I had our first Kangaroo meat yesterday. we went to the grocery store near campus and decided to just have a look through the unknown meat department. Here we found a kanga roast with garlic and herbs. It was just a little smaller than a bread pan and it shrunk down a little more after cooking of course. Despite the fact that it was meat and my intestines were not a fan this morning, it was delicious. It tasted the most like venison to me, but a LOT more moist. It had a sweet taste like pork does, but also tasted like beef. Overall it was a good experience. :)

Thats all for today folks! :D