

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Midsemester Craziness has set in and its all due to: apartment hunting, moving, 3 exams, and a project

Brian and I took a trip down to Rockingham in order look at some apartments and we loved the area it was just to far away from work or school to be practical! But the coast was awesome! 

Brian got his hand painted at his work one day! :)

So two weeks ago Brian and I moved into our new apartment in Fremantle. We love it! Also our roommate from Taiwan is hilarious and we will actually be sad when he leaves! Also we should be getting Internet modem shipped to us and we will be up and running in a few days!

 I left the cupboard open, but otherwise its an alright kitchen.. The sink does need to be replaced and we are opening to negotiate a new kitchen when we sign a new lease at the end of October.

 sooo much sunlight because that window faces East! Its awesome and the other apartment building isn't too bad being right there because the view from the roof makes up for it! 

Roommates room below: (pictures of ours when its clean)

Last day in old apartment! SOOO TIRED FROM A WEEKEND OF PACKING/MOVING/CLEANING!! and school again on Monday!

The apartment near the roof has veggies growing!! LOOK HOW CUTE THIS TINY PEPPERS ARE!!!!!! <3Love them - they remind me of my moms ancient Christmas lights!! :)

stairs to the roof! 

Next series of photos: Tried to do a panoramic view of both sections of roof you can stand on! Enjoy!
came up stairs and panned to the left (counter-clockwise)
West facing

South facing
East Facing
(back southeast facing. I was standing in that other square region for the photos above)
Northeast up the Swan River :)
north facing
You can see the old Radio Tower all boarded up! Will be great for a zombie outbreak! :D
West-facing again
came through walkway and faced back East (elevator shaft)
straight west (the docks) and counterclockwise rotation

I hope you enjoyed! 

Front of apartment building
Cool anchor in front yard

Grannies cow has a new friend:

A week after moving I had one hard anatomy theory midterm! It was quite intense! We just got our marks back today and I was just below the pass mark for this exam! As disappointing as it is, the exam is only a very small percentage of our final grade and the final practical and theory each require a pass in order to pass the class no matter what your midterm score is, so I should be fine now that I think some of the stress of moving midsemester is wearing off!   

This hard cider, after anatomy exam taste test really helped with the stress:

Rascal was 9% alcohol so it REALLY eased the stress!
I haven't enjoy blackcurrant juice except for one juice where it was more apple with a hint of blackcurrant, but this Bulmers hard cider is AMAZING!!!

Immediately after the exam we had to start a huge dissection project that is worth 15% of our grade. Its in partners and we had one week to dissect your nominated topic. The rules were very vague and left to interpretation. My partner and I were assigned to the sheep distal forearm, palmer side, superficial structures [the wrist down to the digits on the side of the hoof that touches the ground/back side of leg]. So it was up to us to decide how deep we wanted to dissect and what structures we wanted to show, with emphasis on muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Other groups were assigned to Sheep: Distal forelimb/hindlimb with either superficial or deep structures
Pig: same choices. I feel so bad for people with pig limbs because there is like NIL textbooks or pictures or radiographs to tell you what structures are what. 
Dog: same choices
Our projects are being displayed in two days time and if we do well enough they may choose our specimens to be added to the veterinary museum! Along with the dissection we had to make a drawing of the normal anatomy and do a write up on the clinical significance of what we dissected and the region we were assigned in general

After starting our dissection at 1130am on Thursday and ending at 7 at night and dissecting around 10-4 the next day, I had to spend all of Saturday and Sunday studying for my two animal systems exams that were Monday and today. Monday's exam was a Soils and Pastures 50min multiple choice/short answer Theory exam... as exciting as it sounds! and today's exam was Soils and Pastures 50min short answer Practical exam. Now we just have to put the final touches on our project tomorrow morning, and its due on Thursday. AND STUDY BREAK BEGINS!! I will be spending a little time catching up on sleep and every other second catching up on material from physio and anatomy and start spending hours in the anatomy museum getting ready for the anatomy practical! 

Also Brian's birthday is Oct. 3rd and I gotta come up with something great to do since I will be on study break! :) :) 

The other good news I would like to share with everyone is:
I got a new job as a receptionist at Western Australia Veterinary Emergency & Speciality (WAVES). I will be working about 2 days a week and as much as I can in summer! :) I work 530-830ish (we get to leave whenever it slows down and everything is in order) in the evenings and the hours are different for the weekends. This weekend is the Queen's Birthday holiday weekend and I get to work from 12pm-8pm on Saturday! And its only my second shift by myself!! I AM SO NERVOUS! But another girl from my year works as a Vet nurse and will be there to help me out! :) Everyone has been very understanding of me being a first year and not having any emergency experience! I am very excited about this job opportunity and I once I get comfortable I hope I can start learning more about some of the surgeries/radiology/medicine aspects of the business as well as the drugs/toxicities/and emergencies!

Driving to my very first day of work! 

Mammals of Australia - a cute little treasure I found at the post office when getting our address changed!
Granny Winfield and Daddy - I got your letter and postcards in the mail so you have the right address for our new place! 

Cupcake from the Traveling Vet Club before a talk! :) SO CUTE!! 

 The absolute COOLEST plates and cups EVER!! I love histology when presented like this!! To bad they only ship the toe UK right now! 

Fremantle Art Center that I walked past on my walk home from bus station! I LOVE ALL THE OLD ARCHITECTURE!! 

Lastly, I am hoping to get a new camera on Black Friday and have it shipped to me if there are good enough deals otherwise it can wait. I really want a nice camera before summer so Brian and I can document more since this is the only summer he has me all to himself without me having to go to farm placements (I need to go to 3, 1-week long placements and 2, 2-week long intensive placements (usually cattle or sheep)before 3rd year I believe) ANYWAYS...