THEN June 15th and 16th is Brian's orientation days at his new job at Bunnings. Again, this store is a combination of Menards/Lowes/Home Depot/Sears/Sam's Club... They just have a BUNCH of stuff!! I am very proud and excited for this opportunity for Brian. He was 1 of 6 people that got hired out of FIVE HUNDRED (500) applicants! That is just INSANE!!! :) also the starting pay is anywhere from $20-25 an hour and the more training classes he does for the different departments the more raises he can get! :) This will be VERY helpful since rent ate up my student loans WAAY quicker than hoped! Also looking forward to getting bicycles and hopefully by the end of the year I will have my first Mac Desktop computer since my laptop can only be revived from the dead a few more times (if I am lucky)!! :) I would be sooooo lost with my iPad with such a temperamental laptop and thankfully the school is switching over to a more ipad/mac/mobile friendly classroom software for next semester! No more only being able to see half of the documents I need without running to the campus computers at odd hours!
Umm other news: I applied to a receptionist job at a brand new emergency and specialty vet clinic that is in the final stages of being built and stocked. The add was specifically looking for vet students to gain more experience in the field outside of school. They also said they were going to hold off at looking at the applications until the very end of our finals! How nice is that??? Opportunities like this don't open up regularly and I would be SOOO excited to learn more about emergency medicine. I got to help out on like two emergency cases when I worked at Westgate Animal Hospital in Eau Claire and it was absolutely enthralling! I look back at my experiences at Westgate and I truly cherish those times. If any of you are reading this, THANK YOU for the opportunities you have given me and it was by far the BEST job I could have ever hoped to get and I know you guys were a HUGE reason for me getting accepted into Vet School AND everyones passion for animals there just inspires me everyday! :)
I also have passed every single exam of the semester and even got High Distinctions on both of my biochem exam! Soooo if I don't screw up the final I have a good chance of getting one HD on my transcript from Vet School! :)
Well I have to get back to studying anatomy!! I am really hoping on my break Brian and I can find as many adventures as possible so I can tell you more about how AWESOME Australia is!!
OH!!! I forgot to tell you!! It is officially autumn and some trees have actually lost a majority of their leaves!! I was quite impressed. You can even see your breath in the mornings!! hahah Either way their autumn is like my PERFECT temperature! No acclimation necessary!! However, as much as I enjoy it only ONE month of official summer was NOT enough for me! To go from Wisconsin winter (8 dreary months - wasn't super full of snow until I left just chilly and or rainy) to have one month of summer and right back into cooler months is not that awesome! haha I wish I could have hopped from US summer to AUS summer, but nooope! hahah I'll survive!!
I hope everyone is having a good spring and celebrated the true meaning of Memorial Day!!
Ryan and Kate - good luck on getting your house sold in Bristol, I hope the best for you two so your little family can continue to grow! (cough cough can't wait for future twins cough cough)
Rossi and Amber - I want to see pictures of the newest addition (the kitty I hear you are adopting that I hope bubba doesn't think is food) and Ross, I hope you know how proud of you I am and I'm glad I am not driving around racine county anymore because you would FOR SURE pull me over! hahaha
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!! I know its technically in two days for you, but just think, you get to celebrate tomorrow when its the 30th for me AND you get to celebrate when it turns the May 30th for you! :) how awesome is that?? You are the best support system EVER!!! I hope the boys come over for dinner or dad takes you out! You can't just garden and act like its any old day! do something fun dammit! hahah I love you with all of my heart!!
TALK SOON I HOPE!!! (if I survive finals)